Thursday 2 December 2010

Story Board + Synopsis

Here is the initial story board that we are using. it will inevitable change once we get to filming as we did this before discussing where and when we are going to film not allowing us to take pictures of shots that we are going to use. However, it was good to use it so that it could show the plot of the story more clearly so that other members of our group could visualise the directions that this film is taking.


“Mr Simmons is a family man whose daughter is brutally murdered during a house robbery. Andrew, who is bound and gagged, can do nothing to stop the killer and it is him who finds his daughter lying in a pool of blood. When the killer is missing, on the run, Andrew is forced to hunt him down himself due to the incapable police work. Months later when the man who got away with murder is located, seeking revenge, Simmons kidnaps him”.

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